Sunday 4 June 2017

Met shakthimaan !

Firstly I heard him in Pycon Pune reciting  "Nursery rhymes " ;) . It was one of the best thing in Pycon. Got to know from a meetup friend that he wrote a book on " I want to do a project tell me what to do ?". Had the same question since the time I started with python. So I Ordered the book  and started reading it. But I never thought that I'll be attending a hand's on workshop by the author himself on the same topic, sound's different but it happened. 
The workshop started at 10 am and shakthimaan was ready to help us ;), the teaching approach which shakti uses is just awesome every single slide which he displays has meaning .He took hand's-on workshop on git , I tried  git on windows (git bash) and this time I used Fedora. Previously I referred some YouTube videos , tutorials and what not But still the logical approach was missing,  but this workshop helped me in a logical sense .It not only helped me build my logic but it helped me get all basics about "FOSS", "getting started with contribution", "mailing list guidelines", "opensource" etc. 
Previously I was doubtful about the mind-map, how to select area of interest and how to focus on it and being " jack of all trades and master of  One ", Thank you shakthimaan for helping a beginner like me.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Python May Meetup

The meetup was scheduled at 10:30 am in RedHat , pune . I reached sharp at 10 am .Met new people and had a great interaction with them as this time the crowd was new and enthusiastic.
The 1st was a lightning talk by Poruri Sai Rahul on  "Creating your Personal Github pages" , it was a hand'son and very useful . Github can be used to make static pages and the great thing is we don't even need to code from scratch ,we can just fork the repo's on github and using Bootstrap we can make static pages , there are lots of cool themes one can use - , no need to write all those HTML pages from scratch containing "tags/head/body/..bla bla" just fork any basic HTML repo and make changes whatever you want.
After the Break there was a talk by Krishnakant Mane on Emacs for development , such an informative talk it was followed by jokes :) . He explained most of the things of Emacs , and being a newbie i got to know new things  . As previously i was aware of the Programming environments (Pycharm) but Emacs is like killer of all , He explained the stuff in a very interactive way and it was great listening to him .He is very experienced and knowledgeable person.
The Emacs was followed by Creating RESTfull API using python Pyramids , this was hand's on workshop about the Pyramid Framework . I was totally unaware of this thing but it is very powerful and efficient Web Framework .This workshop was conducted by Krishnakant Mane again and Prajakta. They covered most of the parts of Pyramids and it was 2 hours long but very informative .

Overall in May python Meetup got to learn lots of new Python Libraries and Frameworks , will be implementing those in future :) .

Sunday 19 February 2017

Attended pycon pune 2017

Came for the language , stayed for the community .
-  Brett Cannon
As the Pycon was top item in my Bucket list finally the wait was over as pycon Pune chapter was on, as the venue for the conference changed it was now "Amanora The Fern Hotels and Resorts" . It was 1 hour drive from my place , I woke up at 7 and zhoooom I reached before time .
I got my badge and acquired the middle row seat, the conference started with Honza Král as the keynote speaker for pycon. As I was surrounded by developers I thought this might not be my piece of cake as I am new to python and so far I am still learning stuff, but Honza's keynote talk inspired me a lot and the fear of being a beginner was gone , he explained the elastic search thing and it did hit my mind as it was completely new concept I got to know about. 
In the tea break I met Honza, I had a conversation with him and I asked him lots of queries, he guided me in the best possible way, and I became fan of the Django developer.
Other talks were also good, the one for Documentation was very impressive , GNU Mailman 3 talk by Florian Fuchs was a great, I had a chat with him in lunch break he is superb mentor and a great pythonista.
John hawley "pearl guy" was the star of pycon  , he deals with micro python and he has a great sense of humour :D.
I met python Pune community members and I am there fan , as each one of them is very down to earth and very helpful. I met rahul Bhaiya , suraj Bhaiya , chandan Bhaiya , kushal da and other community members . The pycon was moreover organised by python Pune group. I did met python Hyderabad members and they were great. 
I got different logo stickers from Redhat, Elastic-search, reserved-bit , python etc, the pycon t-shirt is one of the coolest Tee in my collection ;).
Each volunteer in Pycon Pune worked day and night to make this conference a grand success, I saw their co-ordination and everyone was .
The developer's met were very friendly and talented, I met a very good human being pradeep shetty he is very inspiring personality.
I feel lucky to be a part of such a big community whose members are more like family. I guess I was the first guy to book the ticket for conference ;), as the booking started in the month of November and I booked my seat the very first day;). Waiting for Pycon India  2017 Delhi chapter as I did stayed for the community and I am damn happy.
Happy coding ☺

Simple Python Programs (For concept building).

Level - Beginner

(I prefer Pycharm Community Edition 2016.2.1 and python version 2.7 for coding , Download links for both are mentioned below ).

For coding you can use Python IDLE or cmd also .

Consider this programs for easy understanding of syntax , try it on your own .

1] If/else/elif  ~
#if else

print "this is shivam hello folks!!"
age = input("please enter your age==>")

#if else with numbers
if age > 18:
    print "hello sir you are allowed in pub"
elif age == 18:
    print "dude show you're id card"
    print "dude you are just an infant"
#lets do this if, else thing with strings
name = "john"
if name is "sam":
    print "hello sam"
elif name is "robert": #you can use is for matching or you can use ==    
    print "hello robert"
elif name == "john":
    print "hello john , welcome to Mugshot Lounge"
else :
    print "he didnt came !!"

"""C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/ex1(if).py

this is shivam hello folks!!
please enter your age==>25
hello sir you are allowed in pub
hello john , welcome to Mugshot Lounge
Process finished with exit code 0
2] FOR loop ~

print "hello guys in this program let's learn about for loop"
foods = ["chinease","thai","indian","desert"] #list
print foods[0]

print foods[1]

print foods[2]

print "printing one by one the elements of the list is hectic job"  

#lets do it in a simple way

for f in foods: #lets not use i always ;)    
    print f  #this will print all list elements
print "\n"
#more with the for loop
for f1 in foods[:2]: #stop at 2nd position (slicing)    
    print f1
    print len(f1) #the "len" function will print the length of each element of list

"""C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/ex2(for).py
hello guys in this program let's learn about for loop
printing one by one the elements of the list is hectic job ,


Process finished with exit code 0
3] RANGE function ~
#lets learn range function

for i in range(10): #lets use i this time    
    print i

print "\n"
#more thingss
for x in range(5):
    print "shivam is awesome"

print "\n"
for x1 in range(5,15): #including 5 excluding 15 ie. 5,6,7,...,14    
    print x1

C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/ex3(range).py


shivam is awesome
shivam is awesome
shivam is awesome
shivam is awesome
shivam is awesome


4] WHILE loop ~
#while loop

print "in this program lets learn about while loop"
number = 6
while number < 10:
    print number  #as the condition is always gonna be true
                  #thus the loop will be infinite so adding another statement    
    number += 1   #incrementing the number by 1

C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/ex4(while).py
in this program lets learn about while loop

Process finished with exit code 0

5] Comments ~
print "comments are very useful in documentation"

#this is a single line comment
#this is also a comment
"""documentation interlude
multiple line comment"""
print "shivam" + " is a good guy" #concatinating two strings
print  'shivam',9 #concatinating string nd number , use comma
C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/

comments are very useful in documentation
shivam is a good guy
shivam 9
Process finished with exit code 0
6] Continue ~
numberstaken = [2, 5, 9, 16, 17]

# when continue will execute nothing will be printed after it , 
#it will go to start of the loop
print "numbers tht are not taken are :"
for n in range(1, 20):
    if n in numberstaken:
        continue        print n

C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/
numbers tht are not taken are :

Process finished with exit code 0
7] Break ~
number = 24

for n in range(101): #including 100       
    if n is number:
        print n,"yess! we found our number"           
        break #break out of loop or stop executing       
        print n

"""C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/


24 yess! we found our number
Process finished with exit code 0
8] Functions ~
def hello():

    print "hi guyss this is a function"
def area_of_circle(radius):
    area = radius * 3.14        print area



C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Shivam/PycharmProjects/untitled1/
hi guyss this is a function
Process finished with exit code 0

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